- 2023.11.10
- thinking

プレスリリースもあった通り、10月から日本経済大学の経営学部デジタルビジネスマネージメント学科の教授となりました🧑🏫しかもキャンパスは渋谷駅直結のShibuya Sakura Stageにあるんですよ。こんな立地のいい大学中々ないと思う(できたてほやほやすぎて入ったら驚くと思う🤣)学科長は元Googleのエヴァンジェリト金谷さん。いままでにない面白い学科になると思います
日本経済大学 東京渋谷キャンパス(東京都渋谷区桜丘町24-5)

There will be an open seminar at the Department of Digital Business Management, Japan University of Economics!
As mentioned in the press release, I became a professor at the Department of Digital Business Management, College of Business Administration, Japan University of Economics in October. 🧑🏫 Furthermore, the campus is located at Shibuya Sakura Stage, directly connected to Shibuya Station. The head of the department is Mr. Evangelito Kanaya, a former Google Evangelist. I think it will be the most interesting department ever!
We will hold an open campus on November 19 for those who wish to enter the university in 2024🎊.
Sunday, November 19, from 10:30 a.m.
Sunday, December 10, from 10:30 a.m.
Japan University of Economics Tokyo Shibuya Campus (24-5 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
If you are interested in attending the open campus, please apply here
The ideal faculty for students who are interested in digital jobs, but are not science majors, nor are they good at programming or computers.
Because this faculty is for non-science students. Many students and teachers think that “digital” field = “science” field, but that is not true at all. Neither I nor Taki (Department Chair Kanaya) are science majors. Many people are active in the digital field who are not science majors 🤣.
What is indispensable when starting a digital business is to “understand how people feel. Because no matter what kind of high-tech you have, you can’t just say, “I want this service!
If you can’t get people to think,
“This is the perfect service I’ve been looking for!”
If people don’t think
“I wanted this kind of service!”
It is very important to understand “people’s feelings” and to convey “your passion” in sentences, images, and videos.
I want to solve this problem in society!
If there was such a service, I would like to use it!
I want to make people happy!
When you have such feelings, you need technology to make them come true.
I, who do “web analytics,” which sounds so difficult, am one of those people.
My father was the president of a small business, and when I was in the first grade of elementary school, he had a stroke from overindulging in business entertainment.
“Oh my God, small business CEOs drink until their brains are gone.
out of a sense of fear.
I wanted to help local small and medium-sized businesses become very successful by providing unique services without having to rely on big companies or government agencies.
I wanted to do that. That’s why I started my own business at the age of 26 and found the potential in the technology of web analytics.
Technology didn’t come first; my passion came first. Many venture companies in the world started not with technology, but with passion.
It is okay if you are not good at computers. The Department of Digital Business Management will teach you how to type on a keyboard, but that’s not what’s important. What’s important is.
“How great of a person am I?
“How great I am and how full of potential I am.
The answer is inside of you. That is why we are planning to have classes regarding mental health and mindset. I think people are worried about depression and relationships. So I want to teach them how to understand themselves and others.
I want them to be able to do some kind of Internet-related work by the end of their junior year. So I want them to be able to work right away by obtaining certifications such as Web Analytics Consultants, which Dentsu and other major companies encourage their employees to obtain, and which I (Eji) launched and 50,000 people have already taken, and Google’s certifications, which Taki used to work for.
I’m not a “professor” with much education. I was a computer otaku until junior high school, skateboarded in Miyashita Park in Shibuya in high school, and was a reggae DJ in college with very few university credits. I am truly grateful to Japan University of Economics for giving me such a chance. So I want to respond by making all the students happy by imparting practical, job-related skills and mindset that other universities can’t offer.
So I want to face students as one of the ” weaker” ones. But it is not easy to realize my ideal… I am in my first year as a professional university faculty member, and a first-year hire. I don’t even understand the basic rules. So the university is preparing to realise the ideal at a rapid pace. Still, since it is an official university of the Ministry of Education, it can be both difficult and time-consuming. Still, I can promise that the curriculum and content will be considerably different from what we’ve seen at universities before.
To all the students who like computers and the Internet and so on! And to the fathers and mothers and uncles and grandparents who have such children! And to the high school teachers who know such students!
2023/10/17 facebookをつかいつづけるためにおこなっておきたい2つのこと 2023.11.09